Friday, April 19, 2019

Spirituality & Identity

This was my first time at the Guggenheim and first time witnessing the beautiful work of Hilma af Klint. Alongside with another exhibit filled with absolutely stunning photographs by Robert Mapplethorp. Coming alone on this trip to an unknown environment made me excited and honestly transformed be into my own world and element. I was put under a trance when embarking the paintings of these wild and vivid visuals. I immediately related to the work and was just so fascinated by af Klint. This woman being bold and brave way back in the past and having a true connection with body and spirit. There were so many gorgeous pieces she created it just blew my mind. This one woman among 5 other women connected to the spiritual world and throughout these many years her art is appreciated and understood. You can't deny how incredibly impressive and fascinating all her pieces are.


What was really interesting about all these pieces was that a lot of them look similar with the use of color and shape, and you can see throughout all of them they are reflecting something. I saw it almost as it was an image of our world vs. the spiritual world. That af Klint was traveling in and out of the waves between our two worlds. Which is so powerful if you think about it because this was all dated back in 1890s. She of five woman was the only one contacted. " In 1905, she was instructed to create the 193 large-scale abstract paintings that would comprise her series ‘The Paintings for the Temple’ (1906-1915), and which, in speaking the language of angels, broke all the rules of art" (Ventura). That's just crazy to my mind and just so blown away by how long ago it was and that today people can relate to her and her work.

For me personally I can find myself relating to af Klint. I believe that on another level there is a higher power that can manipulate the human world. I think that I may have been upon that world in some way like many of us probably have but may have never realized it. Connecting with your body and spirit is a crazy but enlightening thing to do. I personally try to get in tune with both to have an equal balance in my life. A friend once told me that we are energy, and energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So where does our energy go? Into the higher universe, in another wave between the human world. I believe this now because what is beyond our life and where do we go. Is this the same as being a ghost, I'm not sure, but now having that connection and realization with my spirit, I'm not so scared for what my life is going to be after my body is gone. 

 Af Klint is just one of the few powerful woman in this world who got in contract with that spirit world. Some may even say she was a witch, which right on. She was powerful, independent, brave, and willing to continue her work for many years trying to uncover what it means. She had a drive and it pushed her to accomplish many great things. Looking at all her work just made me reflect on my own boundaries and how I can push farther with them. What makes me feel powerful and independent in my work and how can I reflect myself and have it transcend many years later. It's something crazy to think about but it's a goal of mine.

Lastly the thing that I really enjoyed at the Guggenheim besides af Klint was Mapplethorp, and it was phenomenal. His black and white photographs, the way he used lighting to create such a strong image was just breathtaking. It was one of my favorite exhibits to witness in a long time and gave me so much inspiration. He was never afraid to show the body as it was and the sexual being he was with his art. Combining masculinity and bondage touch of grunge and flamboyancy. As a photographer I appreciated each piece different and it just made be want to stare and observe the detail in each one. Everything was just so beautiful and I spent a lot of time in that room.

Each exhibit made me want to be able to push myself more. To exceed my expectations as an artist and to go beyond some boundaries. Though with many criticism and backlash I want to be able to put what I want out into the world and not be afraid of the reactions I may get. It's something I want to work hard on and keep exploring my imagination to uncover what really is inside of me and who I am. I think that can go for any artist out there, do what you wanna do and don't hold back.

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