Sunday, February 3, 2019

I was but I am becoming....

I am Shaneen- journalist, writer, designer, music connoisseur, and all around creative. I guess I can say my first role in media was a book I made when I was about 7 years old. Another was when I would host family talent shows at about age 10. Both led me into theater acting and production by age 13. Unfortunately, by the time I got to high school, I deserted what I considered "a fun idea" for other things that took up my time such as boyfriends. Ironically, I become an introvert and began to only write, getting lost in the lines of a journal. 

Journaling stayed with me, even to this day. Not all my journal entries were the same. Some days, I would just draw pictures of how I was feeling. Others, would be just poetry and prose. Unable to fully comprehend how I was always feeling, I became interested in music more as an outlet to find commonality within a song to express what I could not. Then I discovered art with painting, print, sculpture, photography, videography and even fashion. I decided not to confine myself and become a collage of intertwining identities. 

Throughout this process, my aesthetic was clear- clean and minimal or aggressively grungy. Oddly enough, one extreme affected the other. If I was feeling happy, my creativity would tend to be grungy. If I was emotionally unstable at the moment, my ingenuity tended to lean minimal. It became the vessel to pull me from one extreme to the other, almost balancing me. 

The moment I realized art, in any form of the process, had this power over me, I embraced it. I began to explore all forms in all media and began to connect to other creatives alike. In turn, I began to conjure the courage to share it with the world, hoping others would find inspiration in my work, as I did others. It was this interdependency that led me back to college to learn more. It is this interchangeability that connects all humanity, in my belief.  

"Life is the art of drawing, without an eraser."
James Humes 

(one of my favorite commercials)

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