Who do you think you are?
I'm a person who loves read books and listening to music specific using Pandora. i'm playing Dominoes,cards and others games. i'm not that sociable but i know that if i need to socialize i do it. it's feel great have a place where you can be in peace and don't have a place to bother you it's great.I use Facebook and wassap are to see, talked with families and friends. apart of that i don't use that much internet unless to read some anime. my future could be finished my carrier and start working.
I'm coming from a big family where you can depends of each others. be part of a big family have some trouble.for example, you can't invite all your friends because were are to many that we don't have enough space for everyone.
cuando te van a asaltar pero eres un correcaminos
(when you are going to be assault but you re a roadrunner)
This video remember me when i was a kid i get something wrong and my mom want to punish me I run away that fast where my aunt live near ours house :}
Nice big family! That's great!